Type1Screen is entering a really exciting phase.
We have just rolled out finger prick tests that families can perform at home and mail back to our lab. Our new antibody assay allows us to get a result back to families a little sooner than the standard assay based on a formal blood collection.
Early diagnosis of type 1 diabetes is really important. It allows us to monitor children for signs of progression and, if this occurs, to start insulin injections in good time and prevent serious illness, which currently affects a third of our children. Not all positive screens progress quickly and in many cases we have time to offer opportunities to join immunotherapy prevention studies.
We really hope that the blood spot screening test will make it much easier for families to access screening, particularly those living in regional communities.
If you would like to see just how simple it is to get screened, please contact us to receive a kit to use at home. If you want to help us spread the word about this program, please tag us online @Type1Screen.
Ultimately, we want to make screening accessible to every Australian child. Type1Screen will take us closer to this goal by demonstrating to the world that we can perform cheap and accurate screening in a timely manner and at scale.