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- As1diabetes: Information, ideas and resources to help kids, teens, parents, teachers and carers understand type 1 diabetes (T1D) and how to manage it.
- Australasian Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Collaborative (ATIC): a clinical trials network of endocrinologists, immunologists, clinical triallists and members of the T1D community across Australia and New Zealand; working together to accelerate development and delivery of immunotherapy treatments for people with T1D.
- Blood Spot Test: how to do a blood spot test at home.
- Consent process for Type1Screen: A step by step guide to provide online consent and register for screening.
- D-Coded: diabetes research made accessible by the team from Diabesties.
- Diabetes Australia: A national body providing information and support for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk.
- ENDIA Study: Australia’s pregnancy and early life cohort study into the causes of type 1 diabetes.
- FAQs: Frequently asked questions about type 1 diabetes and Type1Screen.
- Instructions: Our five step “how to” instruction sheet to do a screening test at home.
- JDRF Australia: The leading Australian type 1 diabetes organisation for research funding, advocacy and community support. Type1Screen is generously funded and supported by JDRF.
- Publication: Our paper showing our new finger prick test for type 1 diabetes risk is simpler, more accessible and as effective as a needle in the arm.
- Registration: A step by step guide to consent and register for Type1Screen
- Stages of type 1 diabetes: Before symptoms develop, there are markers in the blood (islet autoantibodies) which indicate earlier stages of type 1 diabetes development.
- T1Dictionary: To help guide you through the language of type 1 diabetes.
- The Type 1 Foundation: a volunteer run not-for-profit charity aiming to raise awareness of type 1 diabetes through education in schools, medical practices and the wider community. We provide support and connect families living with this chronic disease.
- TrialNet: An international consortium offering risk screening for relatives, and clinical studies that aim to maintain insulin production before and after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.
- Type 1 Diabetes National Screening Pilot: This pilot program is assessing the best way to conduct type 1 diabetes risk screening for all young Australians in the future.
- Video: Dr John does a finger prick blood spot screening test to show you how easy it is.