Can I still participate in Type1Screen?
Yes, you can! Registrations of interest to Type1Screen can be made online: www.type1screen.org, by email: type1screen@mh.org.au, or over the phone by calling our Melbourne-based team (03) 9342 7063.
I have already registered my interest and emailed my signed consent form; what happens now?
Our team will email you a health screen questionnaire that you can complete online. If this shows you are eligible for a blood test with Type1Screen, we will send you a pathology request form that will enable you to get a free blood test.
Do I have to have a blood test?
To determine the risk for developing type 1 diabetes, the early markers known as islet auto-antibodies can only be detected in the blood. So to determine if you or your child is at risk, a blood test is required.
Is it safe to have a blood test at this time?
We understand some people may be anxious about leaving the home or accessing a health care facility at this time. However, many pathology centres have new processes in place to minimise contact, including booking in a specific time for your blood collection and isolating patients from each other.
Some pathology centres offer in-home services. However, there are eligibility criteria around this. There is also a significant waiting time. Contact your local pathology provider to see if you are able to take advantage of this service.
You can find your nearest pathology collection service by clicking on these links: https://www.clinicallabs.com.au/location/; https://www.dorevitch.com.au/patients/find-a-collection-centre/; https://www.laverty.com.au/patients/locations/; http://www.qml.com.au/CollectionCentresSearch.aspx; https://pathwest.health.wa.gov.au/FeaturedNews/Pages/Find-your-nearest-Collection-Centre.aspx
Can I visit my GP clinic to get my blood test?
Ideally, we recommend attending your local pathology collection centre. However, if you are attending your GP or other health practitioner for a blood test, you could take your pathology request form for them to collect the Type1Screen sample at the same time to avoid a second needle.
What should I do if I think I have COVID-19?
If you have concerns that you have COVID-19 it is important to go and get tested at your nearest testing centre or make contact with your usual GP clinic by telephone. Our staff are not trained in assessing COVID-19 symptoms.
To find your nearest COVID-19 testing centre, contact your state or territory department of health or go to https://www.finder.com.au/coronavirus-testing-locations. Some of the Australian Clinical Labs are also offering COVID-19 testing: https://www.clinicallabs.com.au/about-us/doctor-media-releases/novel-coronavirus/
The most up to date and trusted information about COVID-19 in Australia can be found on the Australian Government website: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
Your safety is of the utmost importance to us during this time. Don’t hesitate to contact us so we can assist you with your options. Take care and stay safe. We thank you for your interest and support in this type 1 diabetes research program.