Support T1S

Support Type1Screen

The Type1Screen team is united in its desire to discover effective ways to delay and prevent type 1 diabetes.

We believe our screening and monitoring program will help prevent at-risk people from becoming critically ill before diagnosis. We are working hard with international partners to develop immune therapies that turn off the immune attack that causes type 1 diabetes. Our recent work suggests therapies are most effective when used in the early stages of disease, before insulin injections are required.

Type1Screen is a not-for profit organisation. We function on limited philanthropic and government funds that will cover up to 400 screening tests a year. However, we want to make screening available to everyone who is eligible.

You can support us in several ways:

  • Like us on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter
  • Spread the word on social media using @Type1Screen or #type1screen
  • Encourage families living with type 1 diabetes to get involved
  • Tell your doctor, diabetes educator and other health professionals about Type1Screen
  • Let JDRF Australia know you appreciate its support
  • Make a tax-deductible donation to help cover the cost of your screening test. Each test costs $140. However, we would be grateful for any amount!
  • Pay it forward! Make a tax-deductible donation to cover the cost of performing someone else’s screening test
  • Make a tax-deductible donation so at-risk children and young adults can access prevention studies
  • Tell us about your experience of Type1Screen, particularly if you can suggest ways we can improve our service (email us at
  • Consider supporting our scientists by donating a blood sample to help them learn more about how the immune system causes type 1 diabetes
  • If you have antibodies, please consider joining a prevention study to help take us closer to effective prevention of type 1 diabetes

100% of donations will be used to fund the Type1Screen service. No administration fees will be deducted.

Thanks to the following organisations for funding Type1Screen: