The Australasian Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Collaborative (ATIC) officially launched at the Australasian Diabetes Congress in Brisbane on the 10th August 2022.

What is ATIC?
The Australasian Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Collaborative (ATIC) is a clinical trials network of adult and paediatric endocrinologists, immunologists, clinical triallists and members of the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community.
Immunotherapies have been shown to blunt the immune attack on the pancreas that occurs in people with type 1 diabetes. ATIC’s work will discover the safest and most effective immunotherapy treatments.
The ATIC team are working across six domains with the bold vision to fast-track immunotherapy treatment options for people with type 1 diabetes.
- Clinical Trials: Implement immunotherapy trials for type 1 diabetes
- Community Engagement: Ensure ATIC’s work meets the needs of people living with type 1 diabetes
- Pre-clinical & Translation: Help transform scientific discoveries into effective treatments
- Data management: Facilitate data driven research
- Education and training around the fundamentals of immunotherapy, and the latest research on its use in type 1 diabetes
- Advocacy, regulation and government: Drive regulatory approval and government funding of immunotherapy treatments for type 1 diabetes.
ATIC facilitates immunotherapy clinical trials across a network of leading clinical trial centres. ATIC can advise on mechanisms for obtaining trial funding, assist with initial ethics approvals, oversee trial conduct, and support participant recruitment efforts to ensure clinical trials are delivered on time and within budget.
For more information, take a look at the new website at: