
for the early detection
of Type 1 Diabetes

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We are an Australian team of doctors, nurses, scientists, and academics dedicated to the early identification and prevention of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Type1Screen is a not for profit organisation.

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What’s involved?
Click here to register online
How to do a test?
Helpful resources
Info for clinicians

Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong condition. We don’t know what causes type 1 diabetes, and there is currently no cure.

Compared to the general population, family members of people living with type 1 diabetes have a higher risk of developing the condition.

Early detection of type 1 diabetes can prevent serious physical health problems and bring about a better prognosis and management of the condition in the longer term. A blood test can accurately predict whether you, or your child, will develop type 1 diabetes.

Ultimately, the Type1Screen team want to see a world where type one becomes type none.

Having trouble with consent or registration? Click here for our step by step guide to help you.

“On a mission to help my partner (diagnosed at 26) better manage his own type 1 diabetes, I stumbled across Type1Screen. I didn’t hesitate to quickly register our daughters aged 10 & 5 years.
I had my suspicions about the 10 year old, so when we received a phone call from the Type1Screen team I wasn’t surprised. She had tested positive for antibodies.
Two days later after eating some cake and feeling tired, I used her dad’s glucometer to check her levels; it consistently read 17mmol/L. She was later clinically diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
We couldn’t be more thankful to A. Professor John Wentworth and the Type1Screen team for the amazing work they are doing. As upsetting as it was to find out our daughter had type one like her dad, we are extremely happy it happened the way it did. Thanks to Type1Screen she presented to the hospital as a healthy happy kid when most start off in ICU, so for that we are so glad to have found Type1Screen.
Moving forward I have arranged for our youngest to be screened every 6 months. There is nothing negative to say about the experience we’ve had. Our youngest might say different when her next blood test kit comes in the mail, but knowing her future is better than not knowing at all.”
Nicole, Victoria

Nicole’s daughters, aged 5 and 10, after they had completed their Type1Screen blood spot test at home.

Any questions?

Click on each tab of our website and check out our FAQ page. If you are having trouble with the online consent and registration process, click here for our step by step guide. If your question is still to be answered, you can contact our team at type1screen@mh.org.au. Please note the registration link will not work if you reside outside of Australia. This service is only available to Australian residents at this time.